Amazing | Francesca Michielin |

Testo Amazing

Open my eyes
look out the pills card
wallet gone white
can’t even see
the hidden sound
the clouds winding
everything steal
just you and me
And when they observe us about to fall
we can restart and shine as born
and when your dreams into began
crashing the dusk into our door
Can we front the pain?
Can we front the rain?
and the rainbow for you
there will come a day
we’ll find out a place
isn’t it so amazing?
Over the clouds over the cold side
He will come out, and like you are
After tonight if I will be over
The weight of the world won’t be on me
And when they observe you about to fall
we can restart and shine as born
and when your dreams into began
crashing the dusk into our door
Can we front the pain?
Can we front the rain?
and the rainbow for you
there will come a day
we’ll find out a place
isn’t it so amazing?
I will follow you trough the ocean
I will leave behind on my conscience
And when they observe you about to fall
we can restart and shine as born
and when your dreams into began
crashing the dusk into our door
And when they observe you about to fall
we can restart and shine as born
and when your dreams into began
crashing the dusk into our door
Can we front the pain?
Can we front the rain?
and the rainbow for you
there will come a day
we’ll find out a place
isn’t it so amazing?

Playlist Spotify

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